Ant and Related Entomology Terms

(terms restricted to the study of social insects; such as, ants and words that apply generally to entomology)

In the higher hymenoptera, the first abdominal segment when it is fused with the alitrunk (the thorax and propodeum of "wasp-waisted" hymenopterans; such as, honeybees, yellow jackets, yellow hornets, white-faced hornets, polistes wasps, and ants).
The gizzard, muscular tubular organ just posterior to the crop and anterior to the midgut (ventriculus).
1. Toward the beginning, as opposed to distal or farther from the beginning.
2. Closest with reference to the body.
Having the appearance of being frosted or lightly dusted similar to a plum.
The condition in which several dealated virgin queens coexist with one egg-laying mated queen.

Dealated refers to certain ants and termites, after nuptial flights, having no wings as a result of having bitten or rubbed them off.

The wing-bearing portion of the thorax (middle of the three major divisions of the insect body including the legs and wings, when present) of winged insects, that is, the mesothorax (second segment of the thorax) and the metathorax (third and last segment of the thorax).
Short, fine hairs, typically forming a second layer beneath the pilosity, or longer, coarser hairs.
Referring to a surface bearing fine punctures as if done by pins.
The inactive instar of the holometabolous insects, or complete metamorphosis, with larval and pupal stages in the life history, (including the hymenoptera or membranous wings of the insects) during which development into the final adult form is completed.
The last complete tergite (upper segmental plate) of the abdomen, regardless of its numerical designation.
A member of the reproductive caste in semi-social or eusocial species.

The existence of the queen caste presupposes the existence also of a worker caste at some stage of the colony life cycle.

Queens may, or may not, be morphologically different from workers.

queen control
The inhibitory influence of the queen on the reproductive activities of the workers and other queens.
queen substances
Originally, the set of pheromones by which the queen continuously attracts and controls the reproductive activities of the workers.
Referring to a colony that contains a functional queen.
A special form of assembly in which members of a society are directed to some place where work is required.

Here are two additional word units that deal directly with "ants": formic- and myrmeco-.

Index of additional Scientific and Technological Topics.

Bibliography of Entomology or Insect Terms (The Ants).